Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Waiting for Spring

When we first moved into our house a year and a half ago my husband and I planted four fruit trees, a peach, two apples (one pie apple and one eating apple), and a cherry tree. That spring we planted many more flowers around the yard and saw what plants were already growing around.

We also planted a garden, unfortunately that did not go over well. It started off the day we planted it by hailing an hour after we finish and not just any hail but grape size hail stones. Then the spring and summer were so wet that it was more of a swamp and the slugs took over. Though we got some yummy potatoes, some lettuce and a few other things not as great as we hoped. We did get some fruit that first year which was better then we thought since the trees were not even a year old.

This week I have been thinking about our plants, trees, gardens and land. Earlier this year I had received an invitation to join the arbor day foundation I thought it was a great organization. I am really into nature and our environment so I sent in the $20 to join. Well this week I got a surprise, I received my membership card, a pamphlet of the trees, shrubs, and bushes they sell and a letter. The letter stated that I was now a member and would receive ten free trees in the mail between march and June depending on my planing zone, I would also receive another free gift. I can not wait to find out what it is. I was also very excited about the pamphlet because most of their trees are around $5 but I think the most expensive is $15. I was looking and reading all about each one trying to find out if I could plant any others in our already crowded yard. I am not sure where I will even put the free ones but have many ideas for future planting.

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